Sunday, March 31, 2013

Catching up

So, to play a little catch up on what we've been doing for, wow, almost a year now, here goes. We'll pick the story up last spring, as we started to gear up for the move back to the States. We did a lot of things for the last time in Guadalajara:

 Last Día de la Madre performance, one of the more bizarre yet charming rites at our school.

Last birthday lonche, this time for Iris, who is a summer baby and did hers on one of the girls' last days of school. Ruby was the guest of honor, of course, and yes, Iris is wearing pajamas, as it was pajama day too.

Last days at the club.

Last breakfast in our house.

The hardest of all, last day with Natalia.

And then we were on the plane.

And then we were here.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Kite Festival

After some false starts, spring felt like it had finally arrived today. We hoofed it to the mall, stopping at the Netherlands Carillon just in time to hear the bells strike noon.
Then it was across Memorial Bridge to the Mall for the kite festival. We took a quick peek at Abe, but mostly enjoyed the view (and how tall Ruby is).
A little rainbow pride after this past week seemed fitting.
Iris enraptured by the sights and sounds of hundreds of people and their kites. 
 And then the spring fever really kicked in....